Saturday - February 15th, 2025

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Edible Marijuana: No Two Cookies Are The Same

“Well, I don’t want to smoke anything. I’d rather just eat…” the woman pauses, searches the cooler, and points, “that cookie!”

I truly admire when people are comfortable saying yes or no to products in a dispensary. It’s all about finding the right fit. However, when “that cookie!” has 65 milligrams of THC, the experience of shopping for marijuana becomes, well, more of a lesson. The horror stories you hear on the news sprout from consumers who weren’t educated on the product they purchased or did not listen to the advice they were given. Edibles are awesome, you just need to know some facts before indulging. Today, I offer you some tips for entering the world of marijuana infused foods.

Brennan Linsley | NY Daily News

Brennan Linsley | NY Daily News

  1. Slow It Down, Easy Now: Start with 5-10 milligrams. You can do this one of two ways: buy a product in 5-10 milligrams doses or cut a higher milligram dosage product into pieces. Edibles can take up to two hours to kick in. If after an hour, you’re not feeling the effects, ingest another 5-10 milligrams.
  2. Eat Some Solid Food: The results of eating an edible and taking a shot of liquor on an empty stomach are similar. Try eating your favorite sandwich before devouring your marijuana infused goodies to assist your body in processing the THC. You might want to save half of that sandwich for post edible consumption as you may develop a classic case of the munchies!
  3. Safe Storage: As we head into the months of cookie swaps and holiday gatherings, I can’t stress the importance of labeling and safely storing your edible products. When edibles fall into the uneducated hands, things can go wrong—terribly wrong. Think Grandma, your family dog, your nosy 10-year-old nephew. Keep your edibles in a private location, or educate your guests on where they are, what they are, and what they do.
  4. Sipping & Snacking: Even if you are a veteran drinker, throwing 10 milligrams of THC into the mix can take you on a wild ride. Edibles offer such a nice high alone! Try dedicating your night to edibles only and see what the commotion is all about. They are a great alternative to drinking at concerts, barbeques, or that holiday dinner when you are bound to say something whiskey inspired to the family member you’ve got a bone to pick with.
  5. It Will End…Eventually: So, you may have over indulged or realized that edibles are not the right choice for you. Take a deep breath, it’s not going to last forever. Get yourself settled into your cozy space, turn on Planet Earth, make a cup of tea and wait it out. You can do it.

If you’re going to try edibles, consider asking your budtender the following questions: Do you have a product appropriate for a first time user? How much of this product is a single dose? They really know their stuff, and have probably tried the product themselves. Remember, every human body processes THC differently. Be patient, be prepared, and have fun!

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