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Marijuana Fitness Nutrition Evolved!




As the COO of Marijuana Fitness Nutrition, or MJFITNUT, I am very proud to announce the unveiling of our brand evolution with our site redesign of having officially launched on September 1st! Since it’s inception in January of 2017, we have quickly become one of the most recognized brands in CannaFitness, or cannabis and athletics. Below is a short list of accomplishments the brand has been able to achieve so far this year.

World’s First and only Weekly CannaFitness Column here on Leaf of the Week

World’s Largest CannaFitness Content Creation, Distribution, and Promotion Network

World’s First CannaFitness Only Calendar

World’s First Cannabis Athletes to Complete a 420 Games National Tour

World’s First Cannabis Athletes to Place Top 10 in every 420 Games Race of National Tour

World’s First Cannabis Athletes to Podium at Three 420 Games Races

World’s First Business Services for the CannaFitness Industry

To summarize what we’ve become, we are officially the world’s leader in supporting Cannabis Athletes and CannaFitness. So how did we get here? The whole story is long, but the idea started when my wife and CEO of MJFITNUT, Heather DeRose, mentioned running in one of the 420 Games this year to help de-stigmatize cannabis. Once we started researching The 420 Games, and other cannabis athletic articles and information, we quickly realized cannabis and athletics was going to be the game changer for legalization, not just in the United Sates, but all over the world. This made Heather exclaim, “Let’s do them all!” That’s when she came up with the idea of creating Marijuana Fitness Nutrition. We knew cannabis athletes would change the public’s perception of cannabis, so what we wanted to figure out was the best possible way to support their efforts, and promote their successes. In order to do this, we asked ourselves three important questions. What challenges would a cannabis athlete face? How could they overcome them? What would a cannabis athlete really need to succeed?

With both of us having given up successful decade long careers in bank management and finance, we had years of experience in how to start and manage a business, so we got started in November of 2016 and launched our website in January of 2017. It wasn’t long before we had set up advertising, affiliate marketing deals, and were selling our exclusive CannaFitness Content and merchandise. Then, in just 45 days we were were able to secure 12 sponsors for our national tour, from cannabis companies who believed in our mission to de-stigmatize cannabis through it’s promotion as part of a healthy and active lifestyle. They helped pay for our training, our travel, registration fees, and some even provided product to aid in our training and recovery. Throughout this entire process we’ve had the chance first hand to find the answers to those three questions, which led to the MJFITNUT brand evolution.

What started as just two Cannabis Athletes traveling and competing in athletic events nationally to de-stimgatize cannabis, has turned into a massive collection of several MJFITNUT Sponsored Cannabis Athletes, Ambassadors, and Content Creators, not to mention a distribution and promotion network that includes nearly 30 websites! On top of this, we realized we could offer our business expertise as a means to help support other cannabis athletes, and encourage the growth of the CannaFitness Industry. MJFITNUT is officially offering the world’s first CannaFitness business services, including everything from getting an idea off the ground, to getting sponsored as a cannabis athlete, and even full on website design and social media management.

With all of this being said, I invite you to take a look at our new site design, join the MJFITNUT movement, and explore our evolution. If you’ve been following us, you know our slogan has always been Dedication to Elevation, and that too has evolved. I would like to leave you today by ending on our mission statement, which is D2E. I also want to personally thank everyone has continued to support and encourage myself, my wife Heather, and the growth of our business. We couldn’t have made this year happen without you all, and it has been a truly emotional and humbling experience.




MJFITNUT was founded on the D2E mentality, when the founders successfully secured 12 sponsors for two Cannabis Athletes and Content Creators, competing in athletic events nationally, while producing and distributing CannaFitness content globally, to de-stigmatize cannabis use. This was the first phase in their plan to build a platform for supporting the exploding CannaFitness industry, and all those who have D2E. Knowing CannaFitness, or cannabis and athletics, is changing the world’s perception of cannabis, and will lead to global legalization, we take our mission very seriously.

Having D2E requires discipline, commitment, and persistence. This mindset is something that should be glorified as success, and deserves to be amplified by mass promotion, so we decided to build a revolutionary Lifestyle Platform around this simple concept. 

Our slogan is simple, and precise, D2E. Anyone who has a Dedication to achieving the highest Elevation of their true potential, who grinds, who struggles, who is persistent, who is committed, and disciplined will most definitely resonate with this. D2E is after all, what pushes those of you who take on the world to accomplish your goals, and get results. 

We don’t care if you’re a competitive athlete, a fitness enthusiast, a bodybuilder, a mother in her spin class, a person who hikes, someone recovering from an operation, the person fighting weight or health issues, or anyone in between. If you can relate to having D2E, and use that as your motivation to keep moving forward, then we are proud of you, and want to be your Platform.    

Almost all of us can relate to feeling defeated and wanting to quit, or give up, or to stop one rep short, run one mile less, and the path of least resistance is easy. D2E is what drives you to move forward, to put in extra reps and miles, to put in more hours on your grind while knowing it won’t be easy. It’s the satisfaction of knowing you gave this world your all, in order for you to reach the highest Elevation of your true potential, which means understanding today, you are at a lower Elevation than you will be tomorrow. That is the philosophy of D2E, and why we’re so proud of all of those who have it.    

MJFITNUT is a Lifestyle Platform, because it’s so much more than just a brand. It’s a podium for cannabis athletes to stand and be seen. It’s a soapbox for cannabis content creators to stand and be heard. Most importantly, it’s a spotlight and megaphone to the world, always highlighting and showcasing cannabis as a health and wellness product. This is changing the world’s perception of cannabis, and will lead to global legalization. 

MJFITNUT is a simple grassroots company and we are committed to legalizing cannabis all over the world. We’re proud to say our team is made up entirely of active lifestyle people, most of whom are fitness enthusiasts. Not only do we support the Lifestyle, we live it each and every day!

Be part of the MJFITNUT Lifestyle Platform, and share it with your friends. We respect your D2E, and commend you for taking charge of your health and wellness, and ultimately, your future!

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