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Posts Tagged With ‘ #Leafly ’


What People Over 55 Should Know About Marijuana and Healthcare

October 23rd, 2017

Are you over the age of 55?  (If you’re not, share this with your parents or grandparents, please.)  How do you feel about marijuana?  You’ve probably grown up in the post baby boomer generation when the war on drugs included marijuana labeled as the gateway drug. That probably sounds crazy, given the fact that 28 states now have laws in place for legal access to cannabis, while ten states have measures on the 2018 ballot.  While scientific evidence shows the medical benefits of cannabis, beware of political scare tactics that use the word “marijuana” as they are often inaccurate, false,... Read More

Good People Smoke Weed Too

May 9th, 2017

Recently we had our new Attorney General tell us that “good people don’t smoke weed”. That was an ignorant statement made by the man put in charge of this country’s legal affairs and law enforcement. Are you one of these “people”? I am! But…I am a law-abiding citizen, I pay my taxes, I am friendly with my neighbors, and I do not cut people off in traffic, intentionally. I thought I was a pretty decent guy? Half of this country has already updated their laws to legalize marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes. According to two Gallup polls from 2016, over sixty percent of... Read More