Friday - October 18th, 2024

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Tips For Training as a Couple

I train with my wife on a regular basis. We run trails together, hit the gym together, and we take recovery days together. Training as a couple can help you both achieve your goals, and strengthen your relationship. She has pushed me to become faster, and run longer distances. Her encouragement and support have been critical to my improvement.

Training as a couple has improved our relationship by opening more communication, and allowing us to learn even more about each other. Learning how to train and compete together has been a process. Here are a few tips I’ve learned to help you train as a couple, and strengthen your relationship!


In the Gym

Go in with a plan. It’s ok if you and your partner have different goals, or strength training preferences. Discuss your plan before you go in so you both have clear goals set. Once inside, you can train side by side with the same routines, or go your separate ways to work on your own thing. Either way, just be supportive. Allow each other to focus on your raining for maximum improvement. If you’re training separate, don’t be a stranger. Smiles, winks, and inside jokes are highly encouraged!


Race Training

Most couples don’t run at the same speed so there a few ways to handle this. Treadmills are my least favorite option, but allow you to run side by side at your own paces. If you run at the same time, but at your own speed, make sure it’s a back and forth run so you see each other in the middle. Also, have a meeting point. Always meet back up before going all the way back home. This will give you time to take a cool down walk together and catch up. Another great way to train for a race as a couple is to spend time on the track. You can do speed, distance, and agility drills all in one central location.



When it comes to fun runs, jogging side by side is easy. When there’s competition on the line, it’s better for you to both try your best. If you finish first, make sure to cheer your partner on as they cross the finish line. There are a lot of people and distractions at a finish line, so decide on a rally point in case you miss each other crossing. I recommend a spot off to the side, away from any food and drink stations because they’ll be flooded with competitors. Once you are reunited, celebratory hugs and kisses are recommended!



Recovering together is the best part! This is a chance to say thank you! Draw your partner a relaxing bath to soothe the muscles. Make a healthy and nutritious meal together. Offer back rubs and massages, or schedule a couples cannabis massage. All of these are great ways to recover together! Personally, I like to share some THC/CBD edibles and spend time cuddling in between recovery bong rips.

When you train as a couple, you both see each other’s effort put into training and the improved results from each other’s hard work. Watching each other grow and supporting each other along the way can strengthen your relationship, and make you a better athlete. Have fun together!



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