Monday - February 10th, 2025

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420 Games Starts First State Chapter in Colorado!

The National 420 Games came to Denver in July and was a huge success! Having personally completed every race of the 2017 tour, I must honestly admit Colorado was my favorite so far! So many great people, from all over the country, came out to help break the stigma of cannabis. As the nation begins to see more cannabis athletes, and more individuals who consume cannabis as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, start to come our of the green closet to promote its benefits, more people are wanting to learn about CannaFitness, or cannabis and athletics. This is bringing them to events like The 420 Games, and other CannaFitness activities like Huff N Puff Fitness, and Break the Stigma Fitness. It is for this reason, I am very proud to announce that the founder of The 420 Games, Jim McAlpine, has teamed up with myself and my wife, with Marijuana Fitness Nutrition, to start the nation’s very first Chapter of The 420 Games, Team Colorado! We’re throwing our first event in September, so read more to find out how to get your exclusive ticket!! 

420 Games Team Colorado is a community of local Cannabis Athletes, entrepreneurs, and advocates who have united by the collective belief of the National 420 Games mission to help forge a new outlook on cannabis and cannabis users, by being active. Heather and I serve as Directors, and we’ve brought on two Team Coaches, who we believe go well beyond proving cannabis doesn’t make you lazy. They also do an incredible job at showing others how to incorporate cannabis into their fitness and health. Regular readers of the column, and those with their finger on the pulse of the rapidly growing CannaFitness industry, are well familiar with the names Lia Arntsen, and Jennessa Lea!

We wrote an article on Lia with Huff N Puff Fitness about how she whipped us into shape for one of our 420 Games races, and Jennessa, who is also known as Fit Cannabis Girl, recently held the grand opening of her cannabis friendly fitness facility, Break The Stigma Fitness. Both of these strong women do an incredible job at promoting cannabis as part of their overall wellness routine. They not only take care of themselves, they take care of their families, their businesses, and still find time to consistently put out positive messages to inspire us all. They serve as pillars in the local cannabis athletic community in Colorado, which is why they were chosen to represent what it means to be a Team Colorado Coach.

The 420 Games Team Colorado Launch Party will be on Saturday, September 9th at Break The Stigma Fitness in Wheat Ridge, CO. This is the first of many, as we begin to host the premier Cannabis Athletics Industry networking and fitness events in Colorado. Food and refreshments will be provided by Marijuana Fitness Nutrition. Besides good food and great people, you can expect optional fitness challenges, games, prizes, and speeches from cannabis athletes!

I want to personally encourage all of you who are already involved with CannaFitness, and those of you who want to support and learn more, come out to meet the team on September 9th! Talk with myself, Heather, and the Team Colorado Coaches to find out how we’re all coming together to de-stigmatize cannabis, and prove to people like Jeff Sessions, cannabis doesn’t make you lazy, unsuccessful, or a bad person!

Tickets are Limited so RSVP for Exclusive Entry

Grab a bud, and some bud, concentrate, edible, topical, whatever it is you use to medicate and come have a good time! See you out there!

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