Friday - July 26th, 2024

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What’s missing from Colorado Cannabis labels?

There are three important words missing from Colorado Marijuana labels, both medical and recreational.  It’s so obvious, I can’t believe it is even an oversight of the law. What is the one thing everyone must be aware of before making a strain selection? Indica, sativa, or hybrid, right? In most cases dispensaries separate product by three categories […]

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Finding a Helping Hand on Pearl Street

A few weeks ago, I was having dinner with a couple friends on Pearl Street.   As we were enjoying our meal, we started discussing this blog and some of the dispensaries I should check out – both in Boulder and others in the State.   We decided right then and there, after eating, we’d check out […]

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Take a Trip Down Magnolia Road

Okay, I admit it, I’ve been a little scatterbrained as of late and haven’t really written a review of a cannabis company for a few weeks.  Well fear not, I’m back with one today!   I came across this dispensary while browsing reviews on Weedmaps (one of my most used apps).   What struck me most about […]

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Chews Wisely

Forgive me weedfather, for I got really baked this week. It has been seven days since my last cannabis confession and since then I have smoked an ounce of weed, dabbed more than a few times, and have been sampling edibles like a tourist for the first time. I have been looking to rid myself […]

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Happy Holidaze

Well, it is that time of year again. It has been on everyone’s minds for the last few weeks. Nobody is sure what to expect but they all know it will be good. Ski season has ended, summer is on the horizon, and our annual April event is about to kick off. Vin Diesel and […]

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The Farm’s Green Pastures

Last week, I introduced you to The Farm.   I was very impressed with their website, and the way that they market themselves in general to Colorado’s cannabis consumers.  As I mentioned at the time, I felt that they did a lot on their site to set themselves apart from the competition.  Their website was clean, […]

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Consider The Hybrid

It is quite overwhelming to visit a cannabis dispensary for the first time. Most cannabis enthusiasts have not seen fifteen different options for weed in one place before. There is a little sensory overload happening and more often than not they are stumped as to what to try, or even look at, first. I typically […]

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My Type of Bolder: Bolder Cannabis and Extract

Last week, I highlighted Surna whose products are aimed at cannabis cultivators, and I must’ve caught the green thumb (I know, I know, I should try harder but my Sunday ritual consists of a wake and bake and me sitting down to write this… plus you know the recent spring weather has me all a […]

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Teaching Your Parents About Cannabis

Senior citizens have become the fastest growing group of cannabis consumers since 2009. The federal government made cannabis illegal in 1937. For most their lives our parents have only known this unprocessed plant to be off limits. However, the times they-are-a-changing. Walk into any cannabis shop and many friendly faces in there will resemble your […]

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Nobody Likes A Weed Snob

Last week Curtis, the ultimate weed snob, was in town from Boulder. He had just finished skiing and was jamming out at a concert when a joint was passed his way. First, he smelled it, using two fingers to waft a little of the smell into his nose. He asked if it was a pure […]

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