Friday - July 26th, 2024

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The Ins and Outs of the Indo Expo

The Indo Expo is returning to Denver next weekend, where the cannabis industry’s premier trade show first started almost six years ago. Since then, they’ve expanded their show presentation to include San Francisco, California and Portland, Oregon; but Denver, Colorado is where it all began. This year, there will be 350+ exhibitors, showcasing hundreds of […]

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Athletes Represent at Cannabis Business Awards

The 7th Annual Cannabis Business Awards was held last Wednesday, at the Hilton City Center, in downtown Denver, CO. The event was created to celebrate outstanding achievements with industry games changers, trailblazers, and cannabis thought leaders. It was an incredible night of networking and fun within the cannabis industry. Several athletes were nominated for different […]

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Chiefton Supply Co.

As an aging weed smoker, I cannot continue to wear clothes that have giant weed leaves on them. Like all fading trends, I need to retire my Wu Wear and Seedless clothing at some point for something that is a little more current. Plus, I am an adult; and as the weed industry matures so […]

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Cannabis Couriers and You

On Monday, Colorado State Lawmakers passed a measure to create a new type of cannabis licenses, one for a state-wide marijuana “transporter” or courier services.   Since passing the measure (currently awaiting the Governor’s signature), the bill has been making its way around the news circuits, especially those that are cannabis inclined.  Most of these articles […]

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STASHLOGIX is a Logical Solution for Your Stash

How do you keep all of your herbs, shatter, edibles, and accessories in order?   Are you like me and have a bunch of different containers that you use?  Maybe you use an old cigar box?   Or do you use a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle lunchbox from the late 80’s?   If you’re a cannabis connoisseur, I’m […]

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Not So Fresh Baked

Today I bring you another retail dispensary review!   Let me preface my review by saying, I am someone who suffers from extreme anxiety at times, especially when in new and uncomfortable situations.    In fact, my number one reason for using MJ is because of its positive effects on anxiety.   I share this with you so […]

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Grow Your Career: 3 Cannabis Friendly Career Search Engines

Let’s face it.  In 2017, searching for a good job (in an industry that you’re interested in and that pays the bills) is almost as lonely and desperate as looking for love on Tinder!  While networking, building your skills, and having the knowledge/skills needed are always important aspects when searching for the right job, it’s […]

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Take a Trip Down Magnolia Road

Okay, I admit it, I’ve been a little scatterbrained as of late and haven’t really written a review of a cannabis company for a few weeks.  Well fear not, I’m back with one today!   I came across this dispensary while browsing reviews on Weedmaps (one of my most used apps).   What struck me most about […]

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Stoner Loyalty a Win for Dispensaries

How many of you have a dispensary that even though it may not be the closest or the cheapest, you still go there consistently?   I know I do.  There are many reasons why I visit this dispensary over and over again, including the staff and range of products.  However, I would be lying if I […]

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