Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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What Are You Dankful for This Year?

This article may come at you a little late this year, being that Thanksgiving was last week, but it is never too late to be thankful, or dankful this season. I normally like to use this column as an outlet to bemoan about something that most people would bend over backward for. It can be […]

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The Cannabegrateful Yoga Challenge

I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving. With it being a time when we all reflect on what we’re thankful for, it feels fitting to give some thanks of my own, and to share about my recent experience in The Cannabegrateful Yoga Challange. This Instagram challenge, hosted by Greenlove Denver and Canna_Sam, started on November […]

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Dependence Day

When you are on the pro-marijuana side of things it is hard to admit if there is any risk to using it. Both sides debate potential hazards of cannabis, but the topic of addiction rarely comes up. Are you addicted to weed? If your significant other, a job, or your parents asked you to stop […]

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The Shield vs. MMJ

As 2017’s NFL Draft closes this evening, let’s take a look at the league’s policy regarding players’ cannabis consumption. Yesterday, Commissioner Goodell – welcomed by steady boos throughout the draft, every year (sparked, perhaps, by resentment toward his ~$35 Million salary, and his catering billionaire owners over player welfare and safety) – made a public statement on marijuana […]

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SENSIble Celebrations On The High Holiday

Most cannabis consumers and cultivators do not require additional encouragement to celebrate their favorite cash crop. Still, the community has seen 4/20 grow from codeword, to an active movement on college campuses, and into a fully international cultural phenomenon. True to the Old English etymology, April 20 has become a holy day – where masses gather to […]

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Cannabis Health Quick Fix

Welcome to Cannabis Health Quick Fix, where every week we explore fast facts about cannabis! This week, we clear up that whole indica vs. sativa thing posthaste. Did you know? There are two main species of cannabis plant, and each one grows differently and is known for producing different effects when ingested. Indica, the shorter […]

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Featuring.. the 14er Boulder!

**Strain Highlight: Strawberry Banana**   With cannabis growth, increased demand, control and gene pool, the names we ascribe new strains greatly influences the industry’s assimilation into our popular culture. Sure, there are novelty strains – like those named for famous stoners: Willy Nelson, Bill Maher, and Snoop Dogg. And, often, it may seem like growers and […]

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Cannabis Health Quick Fix

Welcome to Cannabis Health Quick Fix, where every week we explore fast facts about cannabis! For the first installment, let’s talk weed and working out. Did you know? A marijuana high and what’s known as “runner’s high” (that amazing feeling you get when you’re flooded with endorphins during exercise) are not so different. It turns […]

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Growing Revenue: Colorado Cannabis Taxes

It’s that time of year; when the country pays its taxes! While not exactly Christmas, among the complication and stress many US citizens experience during this time, one thing is certain: the process involves a lot of giving. The Federal and State governments give out tax refunds, or residents give back what they owe. We […]

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Two Sides of the Same Cannabis: Comparing THC and CBD

Featured Photo Credit: Best CBD Oil  Though cannabis plays host to at least 85 different cannabinoids, there are two who tend to grab the most time in the spotlight: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). You’ve probably heard talk—or formed opinions yourself through careful research of your own—about preferences of marijuana users for certain strains that […]

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